Education Experience..
Contact Form..If you have any queries or comments please feel free to contact me here; I aim to reply as quickly as possible.
About Janet Lord..I am an education professional who is a leader in education as well as a professional teacher educator, lecturer, trainer and consultant. If you are a school or college looking to work with an education professional in supporting your staff or in developing research projects or CPD, or if you are looking for a co-researcher in Education, someone to share ideas or good practice with, orthen please do get in touch.
My work as an experienced leaders, teacher, lecturer and trainer in Education and in Social Sciences as well as my background in assessment, continuing professional development (CPD) and consultancy gives me the ideal background to work in education across many areas of expertise. My interests
My research and other interests include digitally enhanced education, disadvantage, inclusion and inclusive pedagogies, professional identity, teacher identity, gender and disadvantage, professional development in teachers, reflective practice & reflexivity.
I hold a doctorate (EdD) in Education from the University of Manchester, Manchester Institute of Education. |