Articles in refereed journals, press and other publications.
- Lord, J. (ed.) (2022). Psychology of Education; Theory, Research and Evidence-based practice. London; Sage.
- Lord, J. (ed.) (2020). Studying Education: An introduction to the study and exploration of education. London: Sage
- Willerton, J., Green, S., Helliwell, D., Lund, N., Lord, J. and Cave, S (2011). AQA A2 Psychology A Revision Guide. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
- Lord, J. (2010). A2 Psychology. Cambridge, UK: National Extension College.
- Taylor, P., Walker, A., Casey, B., Metcalf, H., Lakey, J., Warr, P., and Pennington, J. (eds.) (1993). Age and Employment: Policies, Attitudes and Practices. London: Institute of Personnel Management.
- Parr, E., Lord, J., Rayner, S.M., and Stenhouse, R. (2024). Enabling intellectual leadership in precarious times: the contribution of the professional doctorate. In Fitzgerald,T., Gunter, H., and Nixon, J. (Eds.) (2024). Intellectual leadership and the university in precarious times. London: Bloomsbury.
- Lord, J. (2023). Teacher agency and reflexivity in a neoliberal educational world in Mifsud, D. (ed.) Teacher education as a career-long trajectory within education policy: Global narratives and perspectives. London: Springer Nature
- Lord, J. (2022). Educational Psychology: past, present and future. In J. Lord, (ed.) (2022). Psychology of Education; Theory, Research and Evidence-based practice. London; Sage.
- Lord, J., Fozard, A., and McKessey, C., (2022). History of Education & Educational Psychology. In J. Lord, (ed.) (2022). Psychology of Education; Theory, Research and Evidence-based practice. London; Sage.
- Lord, J. and Sirri, L. (2022). Cognitive Psychology. In J. Lord, (ed.) (2022). Psychology of Education; Theory, Research and Evidence-based practice. London; Sage.
- Lord, J. (2019). It’s all in the mind, or is it? Can an understanding of psychological approaches to learning enhance teaching? In Tummons, J. (2019) PCET: Learning and Teaching in the post- compulsory sector. London: Sage; Learning Matters.
- Kentzer, N., Dudeney, J., and Lord, J. (2019). Mental Health and Well-being in the post- compulsory sector. In Tummons, J. (2019). PCET: Learning and Teaching in the post- compulsory sector. London: Sage, Learning Matters.
- Lord, J. (2019a). Learning through Lenses. In Kahn, P. and Anderson, L. (2019). Developing Your Teaching: Towards Excellence. London: Routledge.
- Lord, J. (2019b). Agency and Structure: The Lived Realities of Teachers’ lives. In Atkins, L and Duckworth, V. (2019). Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education. London: Bloomsbury.
- Lord, J. (2017) Janet writes back. In Bibby, T., Lupton, R., and Raffo, C. (2017). Responding to Poverty and Disadvantage in Schools: a reader for teachers. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Lord, J. (2013). Reflection in Action. In Duckworth, V. (2013). How to be a brilliant FE teacher. London: Routledge.
- Lord, J. (2009). Cognitive Psychology. In Bailey, J., Lund, N., Willerton, J., and Willson, J., (eds.) (2009). AQA Psychology A, A2. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.
- Warr, P. and Pennington, J. (1993). Views about age discrimination and older workers. In Taylor, P., Walker, A., Casey, B., Metcalf, H., Lakey, J., Warr, P., and Pennington, J. (1993) (eds.) Age and Employment: Policies, Attitudes and Practices. Institute of Personnel Management, London.
Articles in refereed journals, press and other publications.
- Lord, J. (2021). The good, the bad and the not so ugly after all: educational technology and collaboration in a pandemic. Educational Technology Insights, 13, 8-9. Available at:
- Basford, J., Lord, J. and McCabe, O. (2021). Relational Approaches to Module Review using Student Response Systems: A contradiction in terms? SEDA Special edition on Evaluating Student Evaluation of Teaching: From Performance Management to Quality Enhancement. Available at:
- Menendez Alvarez-Hevia, D., Lord, J., & Naylor, S (2020). Why don’t they attend? Factors that influence the attendance of HE students of education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45 (8), 1061-1075. DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2020.1851664
- Lord, J. (2020a). School Closures are affecting us all. 14-19 Learning and Skills Bulletin, [online] 29 April 2020. Available at
- Lord, J. (2020b). School Closures are affecting us all. Education Journal, [online] 28 April 2020. Available at:
- Lord, J (2019c). School funding: promised increases are actually real-term cuts – and poorer schools are hit hardest. The Conversation, [online]: October 21. Available at:
- Lord, J. (2017). Contribution to UCU Booklet on transformational teaching, May 2017
- Lord, J. (2017). I don't want to go in and Neoliberal speak. Drabbles contributed to the Sociology zine, SoFI, November 2017.
- Duckworth, V., Lord, J., Dunne, L., Atkins, L., & Watmore, S. (2016). Creating feminised critical spaces and co-caring communities of practice outside patriarchal managerial landscapes. Gender and Education, 29 January 2016. DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2015.1123228
- Rayner, S., Lord, J., Parr, E., and Sharkey, R. (2015). ‘Why has my world become more confusing than it used to be?’ Professional doctoral students reflect on the development of their identity. Management in Education, 29,158-163. DOI:10.1177/0892020614567247
- Birdi, K., Pennington, J.M., and Zapf, D. (1997). Ageing and errors in computer-based work: An observational field study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 70, 35-47.
- Pennington, J.M. (1994). Age and Learning office-based computer skills. European Work and Organizational Psychologist, 5, 23-37.
- Warr, P.B., and Pennington, J.M. (1994). Occupational age grading: Jobs for older and younger non-managerial employees. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45, 328-346.
- Pennington, J.M, and Downs, S., (1993). Fork truck training for older workers. Industrial and Commercial Training, 25, 7, 1-15.
- Lord, J. and McCabe,O. (2023). Did Chat GPT write this paper? International society of the scholarship of teaching and learning, ISSOTL, Utrecht, November 2023
- Lord, J. (2022). Reflections on an EdTech Community of practice – building a community that brings academic and professional services together. European Conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, EuroSoTL, November 2022.
- Lord, J. (2022). What can and could we keep from our learning about educational technology in the pandemic? Invited session at the Excellence in Education Conference, 3 November 2022, Daventry, UK.
- Lord, J. (2022). Reflections on an EdTech Community of practice – building a community that brings academic and professional services together. Invited keynote at the 19th international conference on the quality of education. CIMQUSEF 19, Morocco, November 2022 (online).
- Lord, J. (2022). Digitally enhanced teaching, learning and assessment. Invited keynote for the International conference on methodology of Teaching and Research. Faculty of Science, Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Punjab, India. 8th July 2022 (online)
- Lord, J. (2022). Embedding digital into your school improvement plan. Invited session at the Schools And Academies Show (SAAS), 27 April 2022, ExCel London, UK.
- Lord, J. (2022). Inclusive Education. Invited Webinar at Down Syndrome International Inclusive Education Campaign, 21 March 2022, online.
- Lord, J. (2021). Pedagogy before Technology for Successful EdTech. Invited paper for the National EdTech Summit. 18 November 2022, Birmingham, UK.
- Lord, J. (2021) The main determinants of improving learning outcomes: social justice and structural change in delivering effective education outcomes. Invited keynote at the 18th international conference on the quality of education. CIMQUSEF 18, Morocco, November 2021 (online).
- Lord, J. (2021) Inclusion, social justice and empowerment in education. Invited keynote lecture delivered to the Rajendra Academy for Teachers’ Education, Gopalpur, India, August 2021 (online).
- Lord, J. (2021). The good, the bad, and the not so ugly after all. Invited keynote given to Teaching and learning symposium at University Centre, Oldham (online), 1st July 2021.
- Lord, J., McCabe, O, and Cullen, R. (2021). Active Blended Learning and Communities of Practice. Invited paper for the Active Blended Learning Conference. Liverpool John Moores University, Centre for Educational Research. Online, June 30, 2021.
- Lord, J. (2021). What does ‘postdigital’ mean for education? Implications for policy, practice and research. Pecha Kucha given at the 1st EdTech conference (online), Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, 22 June 2021.
- Lord, J., Thorpe, M., McCabe, O. and Cullen, R., (2021). Reflection on an EdTech Community of Practice. European Conference of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, EuroSoTL, (online) 18th June 2021.
- Cullen, R., Lord, J., and Tragen, N. (2021). Institutional provision of Interactive Apps for Teaching and Learning. JISC Connect More conference (online) 17 June 2021.
- Lord, J. (2020). The Future of School Funding. Invited keynote for The National Schools and Academies Show, online, 19 November 2020.
- Lord, J. (2020). Transformative Leadership for equity, social justice and change. Invited keynote lecture given at the 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20) June 5th, 2020, Valencia, Spain.
- Lord, J. (2019). Feminism, caring and leading in further education. Invited keynote lecture given at Transforming Leadership in Further Education FETL catalyst event, Manchester, July 2019.
- Lord, J. (2019). Teachers’ Beings and Doings: identity and agency in teachers in English secondary schools. Invited Research Seminar, Edge Hill University. Ormskirk, March 2019.
- Lord, J. (2018). Using Technology to Facilitate Interactive teaching. Invited paper at EdtechExpo, Liverpool December 2018.
- Lord, J., Parr, E., Rayner, S. and Sharkey, R. (2018). Professional Doctorate Student Identities. Paper presented to the 6th International Conference on Professional Doctorates, London, UK, March 2018.
- Lord, J., Lloyd, C., Moore, J., and Pearson, M. (2016). The Hope Challenge. Symposium presented to the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Leeds, UK, September 2016.
- Lord, J. (2014). What does it mean to be a teacher? Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Institute of Education, London, UK, September 2014.
- Lord, J., Parr, E., Rayner, S and Sharkey, R. (2014). An investigation into the development of professional doctorate student identities Paper presented to UKCGE conference on professional doctorates, Cardiff, UK, April 2014.
- Lord, J., Parr, E., Rayner, S and Sharkey, R. (2014). An investigation into the development of professional doctorate student identities. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Institute of Education, London, UK, September 2014.
- Lord, J., Duckworth, V., Watmore, S. and Coe, D. (2013). Am I allowed to care? Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Brighton, UK, September.
- Lord, J. (2013). What makes me into a teacher? A partial case study, using a narrative methodology, of the development of professional identity in early career teachers. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Brighton, UK, September 2013.
- Duckworth, V., Ingle, S., and Lord, J. (2012). Shifting sands and teacher education: preparing future lifelong learning teachers for their first years in professional teaching practice, or preparing them to keep their heads above water? Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Manchester, UK, September 2012.